Vegetable Crispy Fritters|Recipe
Ask me for crispy fritters with a cup of steamy masala chai. My answer will be YES PLEASE! (JA GRAAG!) :D
I love fritters. Period.
I also feel guilt after eating them since they are deep fried. So, here’s my attempt to make fritters KEEPING IT HEALTHY AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE.
I think fritters are not fun if they are not deep fried in oil. But no worries. You can kick away the whisper making you guilty by using a whole variety of seasonal healthy vegetables available at your local market. No more wasting time, let's straight dive in to the recipe.
1 carrot diced into small cubes
2 small potatoes, peeled and boiled
Handful of spinach leaves, cut them into thin slices
Boiled gram seeds (/or boiled green peas)
Gram powder (/besan to bind the mixture)
Chili powder (optional)
Coriander powder
Fresh Coriander
Salt and Pepper
Smash the potatoes in a big bowl.
Add all the other ingredients.
Start mixing gram powder (/besan) little by little as a binder.
Mix all into a tight dough as in the picture.
Make balls of the dough and flatten them.
Let them rest in the freeze for 30 mins.
Heat oil in a pan.
Deep fry the fritters until golden brown.
Enjoy these crispy lovelies with tomato ketchup or mayonnaise. Tridib and I enjoyed them with some sriracha sauce and a cup of chai, what a great way to beat a gloomy dark evening in the Netherlands.
Also guys,
Eat. Explore. Exercise. :)
Love and Hugs,